
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Returning to the source...the divine spiral.

Everything in nature is formed
by revealing itself while returning to its source.

The parts are defined by the whole.

The whole is understood/revealed through its parts.

The energy that pulls us to reveal the self
is resisted
by that energy that pulls us
to return to the our source.

The source wants to reveal itself to the whole.

The whole wants to return to the source.

When we strike a balance between these energies in life

We are living in harmony...and therefore divine.

© 2009 MelaniN.
* * *

As I look at my life today, I respect and honor the need for me to live a fully creative life. I no longer resent people or events that seem to hinder my chance to truly experience my passions and my creative desires. I am grateful to everyone and every thing good or bad that got me to this moment of recognition and revelation.

I let go of my obstacles. I release them.
I embrace this journey and claim full responsibility for each step.

I embrace those hands of support that have pushed, pulled, and carried me along the way.
Today, I make your job easier.
I surrender to my divine path.

I hope you will continue to be a witness to this never ending divine spiral I know as life.
I commit to reveal myself while returning to the source.


  1. this is richly motivating-- anytime one steps out to embrace the call to create it empowers so many seen and unseen to do the same

    thank you

  2. When you've reached a place that requires your higher self for success -- and you are willing to accept the challenge, it's time to bring out the BUBBLY! Celebrate your wonderful strength, girl -- it is certainly divine like nobody's business. ;)

  3. This is wonderful... your words make the art piece very meaningful. Thanks for sharing your work!
